Frequently Asked Questions on Marketing, Funnels, E-Commerce and more.

Will I have full control and copyright of my funnel??

Yes, after a funnel is completed, we hand it over to you.

What type of payment methods do you accept?

Bank transfers, Paypal, also crypto payments are welcome.

What types of clients do you work with?

We focus on e-commerce and small service business.

How do you increase sales?

An effective way to increase sales is to generate a larger number of leads and prospects in your sales funnel.

What is your pricing?

We don’t have packages and templated solutions, we have a custom approach to every client and every project. Please contact us.

Can you manage Facebook ads or Google PPC for me?

Currently, we don’t offer this service. But we can give advice and direct you to a PPC expert.

What is the best time to send emails?

You have to catch your audience at the right time when they are paying the most attention.
It depends on several factors like day of the week, time of the day, audience demographics, and behaviors. We’ll figure it out for you.

Should I buy an email list?

Definitely- NO. Spam damages deliverability and negatively affects brand reputation. 
Great email lists aren’t for sale! You have to build your own list. 

What metrics should I track for email marketing?

The most important metrics are: open rate, clickthrough rate, conversion rate, general ROI, bounce rate,
list growth rate, forwarding rate, unsubscribe rate.

How can I grow my email subscribers list?

There are various creative techniques how to grow subscriber lists. Basically, you need to offer something in exchange for an email address.
Contact us for more info.

Why do I need Email Marketing A/B Testing?

A/B split testing is the only way to statistically prove which email campaigns are most effective.

What is the ROI of email marketing?

It obviously depends on the business, and what you’re offering, but the ROI is best among all marketing channels.

What are sales funnel stages?

Awareness, interest, evaluation, desire, action, loyalty.

How do you test a sales funnel?

Funnel tests work similarly to the A/B test. But, instead of changing only some elements,
we can create different variations of every single page in the sales funnel.

What is a good funnel conversion rate?

A good conversion rate is anything above 5%.

Which funnel builder is the best?

It depends on your needs.

How do you track a sales funnel?

Google Analytics or Facebook pixel will be installed.

How to increase funnel conversion rate?

We can increase the conversion rate by optimizing your funnel.

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