What is Quiz Funnel?

A quiz lead magnet has a high conversion rate, even higher than a discount.
Experts claim that the average conversion rate for quizzes is around 50%.
People take, share, and love online quizzes!

Link to Interact Quizz website


A quiz basically is a conversation. It is a human-to-human connection that enables you to learn about customers in a personalized and individual way.
We all like being asked about ourselves and sharing our preferences and experiences.

Often eCommerce customers encounter a feeling of being overwhelmed by choice. How to choose the right product? How does it solve their problems?
A quiz can help.


By asking shoppers the right questions on your eCommerce site, you can help them identify which products from your brand are best for them.
This leads to a higher conversion rate.
Furthermore, quizzes help you collect more data about your customer. Using data, you can create a more personalized marketing strategy.


We can do it for you if you don’t have content for your quiz.
First, we figure out what your customer is to whom the quiz is dedicated.
What biggest goals do they have? How can you help them?
What questions you need to ask depends on the segmentation strategy.
Ask anything you want about your audience, but remember that you want to ensure people don’t have to think too hard.

Interact Logo


There are many quiz software available, but we suggest Interact due to its price and quality.
If you want to try it on your own – super! Otherwise, we can take care of everything for you.


People take your quiz mainly to determine the results, so you need to be strategic.
It’s the point where you create a connection and add valuable ideas, insights, resources, action steps, product recommendations,
or whatever else to support your quiz taker in achieving their goals.


We can place quizzes wherever you want on your website.
Whether your site is built using a custom code or website builder.
You might don’t want to mess up your design and UX, so it could be
implemented as pop-up or redirected to custom landing page.

We can desing landing pages for you and add them to a funnel.



Integrate your quiz into your marketing platforms.
Put tags on your quiz takers based on their results and how they answer your questions.
The more you know about your customers, the better you’ll be able to segment your email list.
And then, we prepare a powerful re-engagement email campaign.

Let’s Work Together

Let’s Work Together


What are sales funnel stages?

Awareness, interest, evaluation, desire, action, loyalty.

How do you test a sales funnel?

Funnel tests work similarly to the A/B test. But, instead of changing only some elements,
we can create different variations of every single page in the sales funnel.

What is a good funnel conversion rate?

A good conversion rate is anything above 5%.

Which funnel builder is best?

It depends on your needs.

How do you track a sales funnel?

Google Analytics or Facebook pixel will be installed.

How can I increase my funnel conversion rate?

We can increase the conversion rate by optimizing your funnel.

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How To Build a Funnel That Skyrockets Your Sales

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