Are discount coupons are really good lead magnets?

Discount coupons are a proven way to attract people to your email list.
Coupons are great for customers because they instantly see the value of a coupon
and how much money they can save. This is an immediate perceived value.

Promotional email strategies such as discounts have been shown to be effective in converting recipients,
with some industries reporting up to a 30% conversion rate.

However, offering a discount coupons has become so common in eCommerce that consumers have begun to take it for granted.
Most customers search for coupons before even buying.

In conclusion, coupons can’t become the whole marketing plan.
It’s quite expensive promotion, you need to consider an actual price reduction.
You showing the customer that your product is not worth the full price.
In fact, you may give the impression that you are making a lot of money from high-profit margins.
Also, it’s a big chance that people who found you through coupons will wait for another coupon.
If you send subscribers anything other than a discount, they may be disappointed.
Basically, you reward people who have no relationship with your business, leading to unsubscribes or low engagement.

Fortunately, there are much better ways to build an email list of people who are much more
engaged and interested in your products.




















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