Funnel Optimization

Only one way to optimize the sales funnel is by experimenting with each stage.
Consider customer interaction from every angle possible, and work with analytics and design to improve the experience.
But you don’t have to test all waters at the same time, just the most important interaction points.

Setup Google Analytics

The data you collect from Analytics can help you discover where users are abandoning the conversion funnel.
Tracking will help you find the exact reason why people are leaving your site.
For example, you may see that visitors who reached one page in the conversion path were unlikely to continue to the next step.
So it’s not hard to figure out the reason behind their behavior.
Maybe you could improve conversion by editing price or maybe adding trust to trust elements would help.
As you analyze the data, you’ll be able to identify the leakiest parts of your online conversion funnel.


Analyze Landing Pages

The following are the elements you should test for:
Headlines: Test different headlines to find out what hooks users and compels them to stay on your site.

Copy: The copy should be written in a way that clearly identifies the most appealing aspects of the product.

Color: Test different color schemes to improve conversion rates.

Font Style and Size: To determine which font size keeps readers on the page longer, try experimenting.

Purchase Path: Test the path to purchase and remove any obstacles.

The essential of a high-converting landing page is to limit distractions. Nothing unrelated to the focus of that page should be allowed on it.


Trust Elements


Trust is essential when you’re trying to get customers to give you their money.
This is why it is critical to build trust through your landing pages and funnel conversion process.
Add guarantee, assure them to give back money if not satisfied. Business Bureau Logo would helo a lot.
Applying for it is easy.

Trust seal it’s the internationally-recognized logo for assurance that online check-out is secure.
That’s a very important factor to consider when doing business online. Without it, your online conversion rates will plummet.
Testimonials and the use of HTTPS can also improve your website’s trustworthiness.


Test Your Email Conversion

Test the following elements:
Open rates: If you send an email with a subject line that doesn’t grab attention or get opened, the message won’t do much good. So use the compelling copy.

Copy: Test different messages, or variations of the same message. Find out what gets people to click through and read your site, or abandon it as spam.
Only then can you find out what works best for your audience.

Open rates alone won’t give you an accurate representation of the effectiveness of your email campaign.

Plain Text vs. HTML: Research whether your audience prefers plain-text or HTML-based emails.

Call to action: Test different calls to action to determine which generates the most traffic and test their position on the page.


Show your funnel to random person

Show it to a normal web user to see how they normally navigate your funnel.
Tell people what you expect users to do at your site and ask them to complete the conversion process.
Adjust your conversion process and repeat the funnel optimization process until people can work through it.

When it comes to funnel optimization, you should be testing all the time.
You’ll get plenty of actionable data that will help you improve your conversion rates.


How To Build a Funnel That Skyrockets Your Sales

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